Let's talk about the investment of therapy. Just like anything in life, the best way to get desired results is to put in an equal amount of commitment and energy.How do you get good at anything? You make a commitment, you reserve the time, and you put in the practice. Therapy is an investment of both time and financial resources for your present and future wellbeing and life satisfaction. When clients view therapy this way, it becomes the priority they need it to be, vs. the option that allows them to stay stuck.Where relevant and when available, your appointments will be scheduled on a recurring basis (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly), which provides consistency and continuity in your therapeutic process. You are encouraged to view therapy along the same lines as any other task of skill development, such as learning tennis or how to cook… it requires regular, ongoing practice and repetition of new behaviors for them to “stick.” Just like signing up for a series of cooking classes, missing a class may delay, or even prevent, being able to move on in future class due to lack of knowledge or skills. However, once you commit to putting those classes on your schedule, you learn each step and build upon each of them.When clients miss sessions (outside of emergencies, of course), it suggests a lack of readiness for or commitment to the process of therapy in your life at that time. That is okay! Sometimes we don’t know we’re not ready for something until we start it. There are options… meeting less frequently until you’re differently able to commit to your therapy time; shifting focus of sessions to developing skills for improving boundaries with yourself and others in prioritizing you; taking a therapy “break” to get an inventory of what you need at that time; or discontinuing therapy until circumstances and/or readiness changes. These are NOT bad things! They are reflective of the “ebb and flow” of therapy, growth, and the process of change. Always talk to your therapist about any difficulties with your schedule, readiness, or goals.